Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Can't Tell Me NUTHIN!!

In 1999 I was diagnosed by a third doctor to go on Prozac. It was a familiar diagnosis as I had dealt with depression all my life. The doctor who diagnosed me said that I needed a change, something to make me happy...as he wrote my prescription. I thought "He doesn't know me! How could he possibly know that I needed a change?!?!" After a brief chat and some tears with my mom, I walked out of the pharmacy, without my Prozac, and searched for holistic answers. There was no way I was going to be held hostage to a drug for my happiness!!! 

One solution came from supplementing magnesium in large doses. That was an amazing relief after the st. john's wart and kava kava had me curled up in fetal position crying for three straight days. lol Magnesium was the greatest thing ever but it was only a good, quick fix for my depression on a chemical level. I was a compulsive over-eater and addicted to foods that would sedate me. I knew I had to change something major and the one lifestyle change that had to be made was the one that would change my life forever. 

On my way home from college one day I passed by a culinary school. They had a killer deal- $40 per semester to take as many classes as you want!?!?! What? Heck yeah I could afford that!!! 

At that time I was working three part time jobs and going to school. I loved to cook and the idea of going to culinary school really got me excited. I had a plan...I'd schedule my work around my culinary classes and continue a lighter schedule in college to make my mom happy. When I came home and told my mom my grandiose plans she was actually open to the idea on a bigger plane. Instead of letting me settle on a less than perfect school, she found the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco. 

During an entrance interview between my mom and the director of education he said to her "are you sure she is ready for this? You know, women have a difficult time in the culinary industry. Maybe she should think more about this more before she jumps in." Yeah...obviously he has never met me!! Clearly he has no clue that when you tell me it's impossible, I'll prove you wrong. 

Long story short, I completed the first program and stayed for the second because I thoroughly enjoyed the education I was receiving. Plus, the idea of making foods that I was addicted to healthy for me, and others, enticed me. 

During my time at that school I came across many chefs who told me I would never be able to make food healthy and taste good. "Fat is flavor and you can't bake without sugar!" Again with the "YOU CAN'TS" and I again set out to prove them wrong. In my time working as a chef I was recruited to design menus for a medical wellness program linked to a local resort and conducted cooking classes and educational grocery shopping trips to help clients find tasty, fitness friendly options. Nothing is impossible in my world! NOTHING.

The moral of this story is, if you want something bad enough no one can stand in your way. Plain and simple. If you find yourself struggling to fight obstacles and overcome objections then either one of two things is happening a-you have not chosen the right thing or b-your level of commitment is not high enough.

I use this story to fuel many things in my life. It reminds me of what I am truly capable of and how far I can push myself beyond my comfort zone limits. Do you have a moment in you life that gives you this type of insight? Can you pin point a time where you proved to yourself that you could triumph over anything that comes your way? Journal it, acknowledge your achievements and remind yourself of these times when life gets hard. It's easy to get lost in the every rungs but taking time out to pat yourself on the back every once in a while will help you stay motivated to continue your journey.