Okay, it's out there. Millions of supplements claiming to take the place of eating real fruits and vegetables, speed up your metabolism, decrease the effects of stress....yadah...yadah...yadah...The funny part of all these claims is that they call themselves "nutrition" and come packaged in a bottle with a pretty label and colored gelatin tablets most likely made from the hooves a cow...hmmm
Now, don't get me wrong. I fully understand that with agriculture the way it has been for many years, our crops are not yielding a high nutrient dense food and we have to resort to taking a multi-vitamin and various others nutrients every day to fill in the gaps. I get it. BUT here's where I have my issue: weight loss, stress-free living and a lean, sculpted physique comes from more than just a pill.
When we set out to the vitamin store, we usually have a specific ailment that drives us to find a solution. So-called nutrition companies know this so they package your pill in a label that shows how great your life will be after continued use of their product. It's a great way of marketing to target one of the big 3 niches: health and fitness, relationships and dating or business and finances. Some marketing targets all three. For a minimal fee, non-invasive to your wallet, the promise of an amazing body that will attract members of the opposite sex is a HUGE selling point. Translation: a successful marketing campaign showing beautiful women who you will either a- look like or b- attract for a date after supposedly taking their cheaply made and poorly formulated products that sell for an obscenely low price. It's an easy sell. I used to buy into it myself.
Did you know that if your metabolism is slow to begin with that a diet pill can actually make it worse? Ever notice how caffeine doesn't do for you now what it did before? Stimulants create a slow-down of your basal metabolic rate and your sensors become dull. This means you need more of it to create the same effect you had before. In turn it can overload your adrenals and shut down your thyroid. Then what? The companies don't tell you this because they want more sales. Instead, they come out with a more potent version to out-do the one before.
You have surely seen the protein powders that deliver 50-75 grams of whey protein in one scoop for a ridiculously low price but non of those companies tell you that the quality is one step above live stock feed. It's no wonder you have gas and bloating....it's not normal. The sad thing is, because of the poor quality and isolated content, your body can only assimilate 10-30 percent of that 50-75g per serving so really wouldn't it behoove you to buy an excellent quality to get only 20g per serving. At least this way you know you would be getting everything the label says.
Now, take into consideration that this is YOUR body. You work hard on it in the gym, eating right and doing what it takes, and yet, you don't take the time to do the research on how these companies produce the items in the supplements you buy. You take it because it says you will look and feel great...and because some pretty actress or athlete was paid to say they use it. Odds are, they don't and wouldn't even touch the stuff.
Nutrition involves eating foods that are nutrient dense meaning they have high amounts of nutrients your body needs to be at an optimal level. Processed foods do not contain these nutrients so companies have to add in synthetic versions of vitamins and minerals. If you are buying non-organic foods there is a ginormous chance that your food has only a third of the nutrient density it had only 20 years ago due to not rotating crops, shipping from other countries, growing foods out of region or season and genetic modification.
Media programs, infomercials and various articles preach about the pros and cons of food items and tell you about random holistic items to help with your ailment. Without someone to help you sort through it all, you may take a wrong turn and end up doing more harm than good. Take time to find out what your body truly needs. You are unique and need different things than the Joe-schmo who told you about some miracle pill.
Remember, this is your body, the only one you get. Respect it by doing your research into what you really need, what supplement companies are really doing when they produce your products and how you can optimize your nutrition through diet, exercise and primary foods first. Your body will be in better balance, your mind will be less stressed and your outer physique will show signs of peace and harmony. After all, this is what we are striving for!
If you find that you are having trouble figuring it all out, email me at alida@bodyeverlasting.com to set up a FREE health history.
Great blog, Alida. Having a marketing degree myself, I very well understand that the purpose is to undermind and prosper on the growing population hungry for a quick fix to the life long struggle...be it weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain or the such. Magazines idealizing "super skinny" models, or stars, Tv commercials doing a great convincing us we need instant gratification, are all ploys to gain our attention and rob our pockets, leaving many more frustrated than before and definitely unhealthy. Education is key! Nothing irritates me more than to hear "lose ten pounds in a week". Hello, America..that is not true weight loss. Most of it is water ...and if you lose muscle you are putting yourself at a greater risk of slowing your metabolism. Thank you for your informative blog. I hope more people will begin to education themselves and get a coach, dietitian or nutritionist because some times it takes accountability to not just make educated changes but to stick to it.