I can imagine how jolting this subject line is to many of you. Seriously though, have you ever thought about what you will see in your life when you look back on it? Will you wish that you took better care of your health, spent more time with your loved ones or just honored your spirit more?
We can find many ways to make excuses on a daily basis to not get things done, to not be adventurous and to not be living the life we came here to live. Whatever your excuse, it is just a self-placed barrier to help us live small. Don't you wish you could be living BIG?
So what will it take?
-a shocking diagnosis from a doctor
-an intervention
-a child graduating high school
-a job loss
-a "come to Jesus" talk
In any case, you must find the life inside of you that is ready to be lived! Embrace it and know that you will not stand another day without playing this life with joy and abundance. Be present in the knowing that you are a being who has needs and wants and desires and that you can have the life that you crave if you would only set out to live it with intention and passion!
Get started today by taking one small step in the right direction. Plug into your heart for that one thing that can bring you closer to having a life that you can be proud of. Just one step can lead to a wide open space of the greatest adventure of your life, so why not start today?!
If this struggle is yours, then my new book is right up your alley- It's being released this week and you can pre-order your copy of this step by step Life Capturing book! Pre-order your copy of my ebook to receive an additional FREE report "5 Simple Strategies to Banish Cellulite for Life"
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