Sunday, April 29, 2012

A New Chapter...

Starting over? Nah. Not really. It's more like weeding out the gunk of the last decade and doing a spiritual spring cleaning to live more efficiently and effectively!

In the last few weeks I have become one with my journey. Cliche...maybe. The truth is, until we are able to surrender to the path, we are not capable of seeing our true potential.

When I wrote my first book last month I conquered a challenge that had plagued me for over 8 years. Knowing full well that I was the only one standing in my way, I somehow took pride in the reality that I was simply "too busy" to sit down and complete it. I had started and stopped many times over but after three weeks of bombarding myself with webinars and teleseminars about how easy it really is I stopped making excuses and devoted four straight days to writing my book from start to finish.

Now, the crazy part of this story was when I trashed it. Literally. A rad business mentor of mine always said to me "write your first book for the trash" and so...I did. About a week later I sat down for two days straight and rewrote it! Amazing how things just flow when the mental gook is out of the way!!

The book writing and editing process was an excellent reminder of just how easy things can be when I set my mind to making them happen. Allowing the book to flow through me brought me back to the mindset of joy in taking giant leaps of faith. When I live my life by the seat of my pants, I always happily land on my feet.

This is why, in less than 24 hours, I was able to make a quick decision to move back to the LA area.

So now, after three weeks of crazy packing and driving back and forth between the desert and LA, I have settled for the summer in my old home town to take care of my family and build my business here.

Listening to the universal messages about my need to be here were a struggle for me as I kept trying to put it off until later this year. While I knew I wanted to be back near the ocean, I had no idea my my family would need me this much!!!

My life's journey has been filled with adventure, intrigue and a whole lot of love thus far. This new chapter in my life provides me with a renewed sense of my place in the family, my role as a daughter and best friend to my mom as well as a loving support system to my aging adopted-grandmother, who celebrated her 94th birthday last week. An overall experience that will afford me great opportunities for growth and spiritual expansion. 

Surrendering to this journey has brought me to a very big decision- carnivore or vegan? The reason: my mom's cholesterol, having always been high, was just measured at 398!! As she has always been one for the natural remedy I have committed to be her personal nutrition coach and trainer. Knowing that there are other factors at play here the only solution is to go 100% Vegan in her diet.

Since I haven't done the vegan thing in over 8 years I'm not sure how my body will respond and have no clue how my training will be affected BUT because of her health I am committed to this journey with her for a minimum of three months until she returns to the doctor for her next test. We are doing NO soy and gluten-free as well so I will be challenged to create new works of art in the kitchen :) If all goes well, I will look at continuing this way of life for the rest of my life!

Let's watch what happens!!! Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting my food experiments on my food blog at Body Everlasting Goes Vegan and will keep this blog here to share stories of my new journey and training as a Vegan.
