The way I see it, we all have one of two options- to live or to die....You can choose to live your life with passion and pizzazz or waste each precious moment wishing and hoping that things could get better.
In all sincerity, the words live and die don't have to relate to just the literal meanings but instead I refer to them in a metaphorical way. Ever had a moment where you feel as if the world is out to get you? It's as if nothing you do can go right. Every little thing goes wrong and at the end of the day you feel stressed, frustrated and alone. I know how this feels...I have been there myself. These self-defeating thoughts can actually be making you FAT!!! Fat is our built-in human survival mechanism and our thoughts can activate their protective forces.
Did you know that diet and exercise are not the only contributing factors to weight gain/obesity? They are only secondary! I know this may come as a bit of a shock to some of you but mark my words, it's not that simple. Obese related issues for many adults come from an emotional stimulus that influences food and behavior choices. Perfect example of why diets don't work-we "feel" as though we are being deprived but in reality it actually means there is a part of our lives that is incomplete and we feel a void that must be filled. Food is the easiest way to control the completeness we seek.
Though your brain may deceive you, tell you everything is fine and that your weight is a happy place, deep in the depths of your soul, you know this is not the truth. Inside, your heart breaks every time you pass by a mirror and loath what you see looking back at you. I can laugh about it now but I remember a time when I would only look at myself from the shoulders up to refrain from seeing my quickly expanding hips. Even in my sessions with training clients I have had to turn many of them away from the mirror to deter them from focusing so intently on all the things they found wrong in their appearance.
Your body will match your thoughts, seriously. When you think a thought, your brain creates a hormone peptide to match that emotion and the more you feel it, the more your brain gets addicted to that chemical response. Eventually, you end up becoming super-glued to your thoughts. Before you know it your body creates this layer of fat to protect you from the seemingly vicious world outside. Really, we feel like a victim of society and essentially begin to feel hopeless. Our choices begin to reflect this feeling of self-doubt and lack of self worth.We lose sight of our inner beauty and become a walking example of our deepest, darkest self restricting emotions. The reality then becomes an increase in this layer of fat to protect ourselves FROM ourselves. When the war is over, you no longer need the protection of that fat suit.
Feeling like a victim, unworthy, insecure and not beautiful is easy when the world is not watching you. When we are fat, we blend in. When we are thin, trim and in great shape we get noticed. You can hide in your fat suit and no one will tell you otherwise because this is the new trend. Now you are fitting in with the norm. Yet, all the while you are envious of all those skinny bitches who you tell yourself were "born that way" and decide that you just have bad genetics.
So when does it end? When will you begin to see that you have the power to change? Will you stand up and take the first step or will you just continue to justify your toxification of mind and body? How will your life change if you choose to move forward toward a healthier new you? Can you begin to imagine the way your thoughts will change when you have the body of your dreams? How would you feel and treat this new body?
I will leave you with this thought: once you begin to change the way you see yourself as you are now, the weight will melt off. Each week try one new thing that you know can help you reach your goal. It doesn't have to be big but each step, however large, will contribute to the overall foundation of health you are building. If you chose to "die" and waste your days away doing nothing, then you have nothing to complain about. But, if you chose to live then you will be too busy enjoying your days to see anything wrong with the beautiful creature you truly are. Start living this life today and you will be amazed at how your body reflects your new found mindset!
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