When I first started working out I was so disgusted with my body that I feared going into the tiny fitness center at the complex I lived in because I was afraid someone would see me from their bedroom window and think I was some fat cow. Plus, when I would do heavy cardio my face would turn as red as a beet and feel like I had flames shooting from my eyes. Not one of my best looks but I wanted a 6-pack SO bad that I fought the fear and pushed myself. Making a vision board helped me to stay focused on my goal and reminded me each morning to not turn on the TV but to go straight to the gym. Before the vision board I had every excuse in the book to not workout but with clarity in my goal I came in alignment with what I wanted and let nothing stand in my way!
I hear many of these same excuses from people resisting physical activity so I have listed some excuses here with explanations, rebuttles and basic no-nonsense hits to tackle your most challenging objections!! What you read may be harsh but if you want results you have go to stop digging yourself into a hole...
-I DON'T LIKE TO EXERCISE- okay, really?!?! How do you know? Have you tried every type of physical activity there is? If not, then it's time you tried something new!
-I DON'T LIKE TO SWEAT- sweat is a necessary part of having a human body. For many of you women who experience hormonal sweating I can imagine this to be quite uncomfortable. But, sweat releases toxins from your body that are blocked up and with out sweating your body may very well be a toxic waste dump. Is that better than sweating? I think not!
-GYM'S ARE FOR BODYBUILDERS- in this day and age people of every age and fitness level go to gyms for every type of training from weights to Zumba to swimming. There is something for everyone! Plus, when you show up consistently you begin to make friends and feel like a welcome part of the community.
-I FEEL INTIMIDATED IN A GYM- when I first started at Gold's back in 2004 I had clients who would ask me to train them ONLY in the women's gym, secluded from the big "manly" machines. Fear of judgement, failure and rejection all played a huge part in this. Two things- A-tour a few gyms before settling in on one to know how the vibe will be B-if you can not find a gym in your area consider doing a workout program from home. If you are afraid of judgement, sweating off your make-up or just looking dorky in the gym, work out at home. Explore Home Workout Programs Here
-I FEAR INJURY- well, first of all let me say, if you fear something you will make it happen by law of attraction so wipe that thought from your brain. If you are concerned about whether or not you are performing an exercise correctly then maybe it's time you seek help from a personal trainer or fitness professional. Be sure to interview them on their techniques and be confident that they truly will focus on your form. I can't begin to tell you how many trainers I've seen who can not practically apply the knowledge they learned from the books that certified them, so do your research!
-BUT MY BODY HURTS AFTER I WORK OUT- this one is tricky but here goes...when you do any sort of resistance training or weight bearing exercise, microscopic tears happen in your muscle fibers which causes slight swelling in the muscle groups you worked. In addition, as a bi-product of energy production, lactic acid develops which is the burning sensation you feel toward the end of a set. Lactic acid remains in the muscle if your diet is poor and you do not consume enough alkaline foods to neutralize those acids. The recovery period following your workout should be a min of 48 hours until the next time you work the muscle again. To stave off any additional cramping you can do a short set of cardio such as walking on the treadmill immediately after your session to promote circulation and detoxification.
-BUT I DON'T HAVE THE TIME- I ask you this, how much time do you spend in front of the TV, spend in a social setting or searching random Epic Meal Time videos on YouTube? Do you TIVO your favorite shows, meet friends for happy hour during the week or just waste your time away stressing about how hard your life is? Well, I'm here to tell you that you will have the time if you make the time. You know as well as I do that when you want something bad enough, you will do anything to have it. How bad do you want better health, unlimited energy or 6-pack abs? You have to want it so bad that you can see it as if it's already happened. Miraculously you will start finding time in your day. Working out at home is a simple way to make sure you fit it in before work.
-BUT I CAN'T AFFORD IT- Walking is free. Push-ups, sit-ups and squats...all free too! There is a plethora of information online about how to work out with out equipment. Check out YouTube for videos on Calisthenics, yoga, tai chi, kickboxing and more. It's a wealth of information all free to you.
-I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY- if this is the case, a few things could be happening. You may be a caffeine freak at which case your adrenals are shot and we need to get to work asap! You may be struggling with your nutrition and not feeding your body the fuel it needs to do all you ask of it. There may be some serious stress in your life that causes you to feel overwhelmed at which case your emotional energy is what's drained. You may try using physical activity to get out your aggression or stress. Getting to the gym or pushing play on the DVD player can be half the battle. I can speak from experience in saying that I may feel horrible going into a workout, but half way through, the adrenaline kicks in and I feel like I can conquer the world.
-BUT I'VE TRIED WORKING OUT AND IT DIDN'T WORK- then you didn't do it right or the balance between diet and exercise was not right. Truth is, when you do the research to find out what works right for your body type, personality and your level of time commitment the results will come. You can not follow along with the workout program of a genetically skinny person and expect the same results if you are trying lose weight. If you are not thinking of yourself as an individual with specific needs, if you started a new program and didn't give it 110%, if you didn't take the time to understand how your body works...then you are cheating yourself.
Here's the bottom line: Respect yourself enough to do some research on what you need.
...If you don't know enough and don't plan on being a personal trainer yourself, hire one, purchase a home workout program or check out YouTube.
It's much more simple than you are making it so get over it and start somewhere! For more information on how to get started contact me at alida@bodyeverlasting.com
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