Monday, August 29, 2011

Taking a Chance on Yourself

Yep. It happened once again. You trusted someone to do something and they didn't handle it in the way you would have chosen it to be handled. The feelings you are left with may include depression, frustration, sadness, loneliness...but in the end you only have yourself to blame.

This is NOT a doom and gloom story so read on...

We as humans are wired with this funny way of making everyone responsible for our life except the one person who really has the most control: our own selves. We can go around blaming our problems, turmoil and lacking on someone else but have we really sat down to think about how great it would have turned out if we took the initiative to do it ourselves?

Ever meet someone who you just know will be great and you put all your time and effort into building them up only to have them collapse? Where do you end up in that situation? In network marketing, a common misconception is that the team leaders don't care about you because you are not giving them as much time and energy as you feel you need. BUT the team leaders know if they spend all their energy on just one person, who may or may not be a fast business builder, they run the risk of missing out on opportunities to help other team mates who may be self-motivated and actually do something spectacular with their business. Perception of the situation can go both ways and each party feels they are right.

Think about it this way-If I don't study for school, I can't blame anyone for my bad test scores other than myself. So knowing this, I have to take the time to assess each situation before I offer to help someone advance. Without confidence in myself, my mission and my journey it would be easy to let things get in the way and put faith in someone else's courage rather than my own. Without confidence in myself, I can find other people to live out my dreams and put all my faith in them to build them up...this way, if they's them not me...Make sense?

When we do not go out and live the life that is waiting for us, we can't blame anyone else for our missing pieces. We have no excuse or reason to complain because we are choosing not to take control.

In life, we have a choice each day- to live or to die. If you choose to die (die as in being numb to life and ignoring the opportunities that present themselves daily) then you sit on the couch watching your life be lived by someone else. If you choose to live then you stay present in every moment, live each day to the fullest and essentially suck the marrow from life. This is when you find your true peace, joy and fulfillment.

Take a chance on yourself and start living the life you were born to live. Start taking a chance on you and believe that you are capable of great things. See your true potential as you see in others and go find what it is that truly makes you happy.

An authentic life begins with you!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Nutrition in a Bottle?

Okay, it's out there. Millions of supplements claiming to take the place of eating real fruits and vegetables, speed up your metabolism, decrease the effects of stress....yadah...yadah...yadah...The funny part of all these claims is that they call themselves "nutrition" and come packaged in a bottle with a pretty label and colored gelatin tablets most likely made from the hooves a cow...hmmm

Now, don't get me wrong. I fully understand that with agriculture the way it has been for many years, our crops are not yielding a high nutrient dense food and we have to resort to taking a multi-vitamin and various others nutrients every day to fill in the gaps. I get it. BUT here's where I have my issue: weight loss, stress-free living and a lean, sculpted physique comes from more than just a pill.

When we set out to the vitamin store, we usually have a specific ailment that drives us to find a solution. So-called nutrition companies know this so they package your pill in a label that shows how great your life will be after continued use of their product. It's a great way of marketing to target one of the big 3 niches: health and fitness, relationships and dating or business and finances. Some marketing targets all three. For a minimal fee, non-invasive to your wallet, the promise of an amazing body that will attract members of the opposite sex is a HUGE selling point. Translation: a successful marketing campaign showing beautiful women who you will either a- look like or b- attract for a date after supposedly taking their cheaply made and poorly formulated products that sell for an obscenely low price. It's an easy sell. I used to buy into it myself.

Did you know that if your metabolism is slow to begin with that a diet pill can actually make it worse? Ever notice how caffeine doesn't do for you now what it did before? Stimulants create a slow-down of your basal metabolic rate and your sensors become dull. This means you need more of it to create the same effect you had before. In turn it can overload your adrenals and shut down your thyroid. Then what? The companies don't tell you this because they want more sales. Instead, they come out with a more potent version to out-do the one before.

You have surely seen the protein powders that deliver 50-75 grams of whey protein in one scoop for a ridiculously low price but non of those companies tell you that the quality is one step above live stock feed. It's no wonder you have gas and's not normal. The sad thing is, because of the poor quality and isolated content, your body can only assimilate 10-30 percent of that 50-75g per serving so really wouldn't it behoove you to buy an excellent quality to get only 20g per serving. At least this way you know you would be getting everything the label says.

Now, take into consideration that this is YOUR body. You work hard on it in the gym, eating right and doing what it takes, and yet, you don't take the time to do the research on how these companies produce the items in the supplements you buy. You take it because it says you will look and feel great...and because some pretty actress or athlete was paid to say they use it. Odds are, they don't and wouldn't even touch the stuff.

Nutrition involves eating foods that are nutrient dense meaning they have high amounts of nutrients your body needs to be at an optimal level. Processed foods do not contain these nutrients so companies have to add in synthetic versions of vitamins and minerals. If you are buying non-organic foods there is a ginormous chance that your food has only a third of the nutrient density it had only 20 years ago due to not rotating crops, shipping from other countries, growing foods out of region or season and genetic modification.

Media programs, infomercials and various articles preach about the pros and cons of food items and tell you about random holistic items to help with your ailment. Without someone to help you sort through it all, you may take a wrong turn and end up doing more harm than good. Take time to find out what your body truly needs. You are unique and need different things than the Joe-schmo who told you about some miracle pill.

Remember, this is your body, the only one you get. Respect it by doing your research into what you really need, what supplement companies are really doing when they produce your products and how you can optimize your nutrition through diet, exercise and primary foods first. Your body will be in better balance, your mind will be less stressed and your outer physique will show signs of peace and harmony. After all, this is what we are striving for!

If you find that you are having trouble figuring it all out, email me at to set up a FREE health history.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Dose of My Own Medicine...O_o

Have you ever had a moment where you felt as though a higher power was speaking through your words or your fingers as you wrote? It's that moment where you have absolute clarity and are fully connected to source energy. No walls, no writer's block. The inner voice speaks loud and clear with the message needing to be heard, drowning out the fear in your brain trying to lead you blindly. This message is usually delivered to someone else but deep down inside it really applies to you.

I feel this when I write my blogs. The topic will present itself with a client or person in my life and I see the message to write about. As I type, I sometimes feel like my fingers move on their own and I have no struggle to release the message...these are the best ways to know that I am writing what needs to be written. Not fluff.

As humans, we have an amazing ability to give advice to everyone around us and have difficulties taking that advice ourselves. HAHA I'm sure you know how this works. Humans can be the worst at taking their own advice because they spend their lives making sure the people around them are taken care of and at the end of the day have nothing left to give to themselves. I love being a health coach because I now use every opportunity as an excuse to turn myself into a human guinea pig! I can't recommend something if I haven't tried it myself. The beauty of writing a blog with instinct and not my well thought out, perfectly planned topic discussions allows the message to reach out to me and others without censorship. A clear vision of truth and insight is easy when you are in alignment and difficult when you are in a place of fear of lack of abundance...the message we both need to hear.

When I urge clients to enjoy the journey, stop and smell the roses and various other ways of loving the experience of change, I am not only speaking to them and you I am speaking to myself as well. After going back and reading a blog I wrote last week I felt the message hit me hard. I needed to hear it and be reminded of the journey I once made to lose weight. It was the time of my life. There was so much intensity in my actions and my focus that nothing could stand in my way. At the same time I was able to be more productive and had so much energy that I couldn't sleep some days. The drive to reach my goal was incredible and unforgettable. Those are times I want to always remember, especially when I am feeling disconnected or not on track. Moments on that path will remind me of what I am truly capable of and how far I can push myself...also shows me how little I may be challenging myself at this point in my life...

Listen to the words you speak and hear the messages you give to those around you. Think of each day as a journey and opportunity to learn. If you have reached a point in your life where you have nothing to excite you, to challenge your brain or to inspire you so greatly that you can't wait to wake up and jump in head first then it's time for a new goal!! In my new goal of losing the last ten pounds I have started a video blog using Ustream on the Body Everlasting channel and on YouTube as the GoddessOfGlutes. It gives me a way to share my obstacles and triumphs as well as document the steps for others to follow. Sharing my journey with all of you allows me to document the steps and be accountable to enjoy the process.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm Calling it QUITS!!!

I know, I know...Nobody likes a quitter. But hear me out-

Remember the times when ice cream and hot sunny day went hand in hand? The days when salty chips with ranch dip and a ice cold, hurt-your-teeth-sweet soda made the long day at the pool complete...the childhood memories skim on the palette like a symphony of notes playfully dancing the waltz with your taste buds.

Now, it's as if we have forgotten what it's like to live, just for the moment and be so present that we give every last bit of energy we have to that experience. As a kid, we can remember each and every detail- the sites, smells and sounds.

As an adult, we get so wrapped up in the past or the future that we forget to live in this moment, right now. If you have ever looked back at a time or event in your life and wished that you would have stopped to look around a bit so you could remember more of it, you know exactly what I am talking about.

So how does this all impact our overall health? Just like this: when you are wagging a war in your heart over any of your primary foods(career, spirituality, relationships or physical activity) your body goes into survival mode. This means you automatically store fat rather than burn it. It's like a barrier or shield to protect you from the blows of life.

Did you know that when you gain weight, the fat cells actually store the chemical emotion linked to the time in your life that you gained the weight? That means you store baggage whether you want to or not! EEK!!! Now also understand that as you lose weight, those emotions are released into your blood stream and you feel depressed, angry and frustrated because chemically you are reliving that experience. This is a common problem for people who are attempting to lose weight. It's not that they don't have will power because they do. It's not that they don't try, they do. The issue is that the ANT's(automatic negative thoughts) are crawling out of the fat cells as they burn and infesting the brain with gook!

The easiest way to combat this is to remain present. Focus on the beauty around you right now and think of how blessed you are to be here. Imagine how energetic you feel when you work out and eat right. Feel the connection you have with your inner self. Create moments to spend quality time with your loved ones. Find a career that suits your personality and allows you to grow.

When I say that I'm calling it quits, I am. I live life being true to my authentic self. If something is not working I'll change it rather than complain about it. No longer will I allow my external forces to determine my health. From where I stand my war is over. I don't need to fight because I am too focused on enjoying the present moment. Worry and doubt have no place in my body reflects it, as will yours!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad