Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Dose of My Own Medicine...O_o

Have you ever had a moment where you felt as though a higher power was speaking through your words or your fingers as you wrote? It's that moment where you have absolute clarity and are fully connected to source energy. No walls, no writer's block. The inner voice speaks loud and clear with the message needing to be heard, drowning out the fear in your brain trying to lead you blindly. This message is usually delivered to someone else but deep down inside it really applies to you.

I feel this when I write my blogs. The topic will present itself with a client or person in my life and I see the message to write about. As I type, I sometimes feel like my fingers move on their own and I have no struggle to release the message...these are the best ways to know that I am writing what needs to be written. Not fluff.

As humans, we have an amazing ability to give advice to everyone around us and have difficulties taking that advice ourselves. HAHA I'm sure you know how this works. Humans can be the worst at taking their own advice because they spend their lives making sure the people around them are taken care of and at the end of the day have nothing left to give to themselves. I love being a health coach because I now use every opportunity as an excuse to turn myself into a human guinea pig! I can't recommend something if I haven't tried it myself. The beauty of writing a blog with instinct and not my well thought out, perfectly planned topic discussions allows the message to reach out to me and others without censorship. A clear vision of truth and insight is easy when you are in alignment and difficult when you are in a place of fear of lack of abundance...the message we both need to hear.

When I urge clients to enjoy the journey, stop and smell the roses and various other ways of loving the experience of change, I am not only speaking to them and you I am speaking to myself as well. After going back and reading a blog I wrote last week I felt the message hit me hard. I needed to hear it and be reminded of the journey I once made to lose weight. It was the time of my life. There was so much intensity in my actions and my focus that nothing could stand in my way. At the same time I was able to be more productive and had so much energy that I couldn't sleep some days. The drive to reach my goal was incredible and unforgettable. Those are times I want to always remember, especially when I am feeling disconnected or not on track. Moments on that path will remind me of what I am truly capable of and how far I can push myself...also shows me how little I may be challenging myself at this point in my life...

Listen to the words you speak and hear the messages you give to those around you. Think of each day as a journey and opportunity to learn. If you have reached a point in your life where you have nothing to excite you, to challenge your brain or to inspire you so greatly that you can't wait to wake up and jump in head first then it's time for a new goal!! In my new goal of losing the last ten pounds I have started a video blog using Ustream on the Body Everlasting channel and on YouTube as the GoddessOfGlutes. It gives me a way to share my obstacles and triumphs as well as document the steps for others to follow. Sharing my journey with all of you allows me to document the steps and be accountable to enjoy the process.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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